Written by Isabel Yu Photographed by Alandria Marrow
June 30th, 2018 was a big day for The Vibe Room. We hosted The Vibe Room’s launch party and inaugural creative networking session at Songbyrd Café. From creating and distributing flyers to finding a venue and a DJ for the party, a lot went into organizing this first event. Alisha and Chad, co-owner and manager of Songbyrd, were incredibly supportive of The Vibe Room from the start, providing the café’s event space for a photoshoot and the launch party and helping set up lighting and audio equipment. Shortly after the event began, people started rolling in. To our delight, they came from everywhere. Some had happened to find us on Instagram; others had run into our fearless founders Isabel and Natasha handing out flyers on U St.
Articles from our debut issue served as the backdrop for the launch party and networking event, as a projector hanging from the ceiling cycled through the issue’s pages. On another wall, guests were encouraged to write their social media handles on a poster so others could follow their work. Next to that, another poster asked for feedback on the first issue of The Vibe Room. DJ Breemz dropped beats as attendees circulated through the space, meeting new people and discussing their latest creative projects.
Throughout the event, Songbyrd’s Alisha was kind enough to check in with us, and, as luck would have it, we were able to connect her with some graphic designers at the party. She planned to speak with them about creating new promotional material for Songbyrd! This is exactly the sort of collaboration we hope to foster with The Vibe Room.
Our launch event encapsulated what The Vibe Room is all about. We look forward to meeting more like-minded people and organizations interested in supporting creatives.